Cursos de maestrÃa musical
(Edades 2-3)
Clases para niños pequeños
Escuchar - Cantar - Jugar - Leer - Escribir
¿Por qué su hijo debe comenzar a la música a una edad temprana? ¡Hay tantas buenas razones para comenzar temprano! Aprender música expande las habilidades del oÃdo y el cerebro y ayuda a fortalecer las habilidades sociales y de resolución de problemas. Cada uno de nuestros cursos de música se enfoca en que el alumno desarrolle el oÃdo, use su voz y toque instrumentos (comenzando con el piano a los cuatro años) mientras aprende a leer y escribir música. Los estudiantes principiantes, intermedios y avanzados aprenderán todo sobre teorÃa y técnica mientras se divierten creando música con otros.
Pianorama Junior Course (Ages 4 – 6)
This course comprises all the elements required to develop musical and technical skills for the young beginner. The curriculum is specifically written to encompass a wide range of musical activity, which enables concentration levels to be kept at the optimum during the lesson. A focus on developing a musical ear accelerates the process of achievement.
In each 45 minutes weekly lesson, the students experience the following
Musical Games – Fun activities involving learn skills
Music Appreciation – to develop listening skills and through actions understand musical structure;
Theory – intellectual confirmation of music notation and theoretical elements;
Percussion – practical experience of learning rhythmic patterning;
Singing – pitch and vocal expression through original, contemporary songs;
Aural (Ear) – to train the musical ear for faster comprehension;
Piano tuition – technical development, with solo and ensemble experience
*Grouped by age in small classes
Pianorama Primary Course (Ages 7 – 12)
This course is aimed for students with no previous experience in piano tuition. The focus primarily is to teach the piano as the practical instrument, whilst simultaneously developing strong aural and theoretical skills. Teaching in a group environment for this age is particularly beneficial from the learning perspective, as the students enjoy learning together and aspire to reach standards set by one another. With regular home practice, the students fly through this curriculum and can feel progress from the early stages, which in turn encourages them to continue through to more advanced levels.
The course includes: (45 minutes weekly lesson)
Aural – to develop a musical ear both melodically and rhythmically.
Finger Gym – to develop technically.
Repertoire – graded pieces covering all musical styles.
Harmony – practical understanding of harmonic processes.
Ensembles – to enjoy playing different parts as a group.
Theory – consolidation theoretically of music and rhythmic notation and additional music elements.
Music Appreciation – to analyze popular musical classics.
Musical Games – to enjoy test learned skills through fun activities.
*Grouped by age in small classes.
A comprehensive musical education developing not just the technician but also the musician!
Advanced Course Levels
Pianorama Intermediate Course
Intermediate Course is for Junior Course graduates, to further expand musical and technical skills acquired thus far. The students learn to become more musically independent and work at a more comprehensive level. The course covers repertoire, technique development, solfege aural concepts, harmonic extension, theory worksheets and ensemble, and individual practical work.
Pianorama Extension Course
Extension Course is for Primary and Intermediate Course graduates. All musical styles of repertoire with an expanded technical development program are covered at this level. This, together with the acquired musical awareness, enables the teacher to work with the students in a broader field including composition, improvisation, keyboard harmony and extended theoretical components. In our Australian schools, many students will present for the AMEB theory exams, having completed the set syllabus for this level in the Extension curriculum. In our international schools, the examination curriculum in each country for specific theoretical levels are also covered in the Extension Course.